Dirreen Internetti  kun kan "Shambu Alumni", damee Norweyti.
Barattota mana barmoota Shambu Sadarkaa Lammaffaa itti baratanii
turan fi kan amma barataa jiran wal-quunnamsisuun kaayyo
dirree kana isa duraati.

Shambu Students

(Shambu Alumni)

Norway Branch

What is new?

April 2013
Shambu Alumni donated  a total of 703 books of 127 different titles to Kombolcha and Amuru High Schools, in its fourth round project, costing over
Birr 60 000

December 2012
Shambu Alumni book project received  donation of $550 from Oromos in Washington DC and Dallas area

October 2012
Shambu Alumni book project received  donation of $1200 from Oromos in Mid West, California and Texas

December 2011
Shambu Alumni donated 360 books each to Fincha'a and Jarte Alibo High Schools, in its third round book project, costing over
Birr 50 000

November 2011
Shambu Alumni received contributions from supporters and members in USA $1470 and in Finfinne Birr 1730 for the 3rd round book project

November 2010
Shambu Alumni donated books to Harato, Seqela and Chambe High Schools in its second round 
book project
costing over Birr 41 000

September 2010
Shambu Alumni received $600  from Oromos in California.

November 2009
Shambu Alumni donated 400 books for Shambu Secondary High School, in its first round book project



Bank account nr. in Norway: 4200.30.21275
    IBAN number

                     SPTRNO 22

Yaada marii asi itti  qicaa (


April 26 - 28, 2013:  
The fourth round of book donation was given to Kombolcha and Amuru High Schools. A total of 703 books of 127 different titles were purchased of which 353 books of 127 different titles worth of Birr 26,505.27 were given to Amuru and 350 books of 125 different titles worth of Birr 26,508.67 were given to Kombolcha high school.

About half part of the financing for this round was generated locally.


A report on this fourth round and the backgrounds of the book donation project is available here

December 15-17, 2011:  
In the third round book project, Shambu Alumni donated, 720 books in total, to
Fincha'a and Jarte Alibo High Schools

November 2010
Second round book project

Harato S.H.S    

Saqala S.H.S

Daddo Sire Budo S.H.S

Sample photos upon delivary of donation, November 2010 []


Please click on the pictures below and have a glimpse of Shambu.

Do you know these facts about Shambu?
:    9°34′N and 37°06′E
  with an elevation of 2503 meters above sea level
Population: (census 2005):  20,253, of whom 10,073 were males and 10,180 were females

Shambu, with muted background sounds (click on picture).

The above pictures were taken in summer 2008, when I was on summer vacation at home. I used the opportunity and paid a short visit to Shambu High School. The main objective of my visit to the school, which I left 30 years ago, was to collect information on the available capacities of computer rooms, laboratories and libraries. My visit was directly related with the establishement of Shambu Alumni whose purpose is to serve as a forum for current and former students of the school.

Below are my reflections from this brief visit.

1. Computers: The school has allocated one sufficiently large computer room with some few new and old computers. I am  informed that the existing computers are under utilized due to network problems and lack of competence.

2. Laboratories: Both physics and biology laboratories are equipped well and actively used in the teaching process. On the other hand, I could not see the chemistry laboratory because there were expired chemicals in the laboratory that are very dangerous and frequently exploding.

3. Library (books): The library serves over 4000 students and it is poorly equipped with referance books. I guess most of the books on the shelves are those we, students of the 1970s and 1980s, used as referance books. The school adminstration told me that the latest books available on the shelves are from 1980's. They received no books in the last 20 and so years either from individuals, groups or the government. The latest they remember is from one Oromo individual, residing in Germany, who donated some books sometime in 1980's. 

So, what can we say to these graduates of kindergarten who are going to study at Shambu High School and wish to study further for a degree? Please click on the picture and listen what they say

I have also visited Sekela Elementary School, the school where I attended my primary school education. The condition at the school is so disturbing. People say that the condition of all schools in the region is no better than that of Sekela.

"Book project"


Based on the observed problems, see the eyewitness report above, Shambu Alumni, Norway Branch, has started fundraising project aimed at providing reference books for Shambu High School.

To make this project practical, the following background works have been done so far.

  1. A local committee of 3 members has been established in Finfinne. Committee members have confirmed their willingness to do all they can to make this initiative a reality.

  1. The following duties/responsibilities are specified for the committee:

    a.    Identifying relevant books in biology, chemistry, geography, history, mathematics, physics …
         or finding someone who knows the current curriculum.

    b.    Investigating if these books are available on the market (in Finfinne).

    c.        Coordinating the purchase and delivery.


  2. E-mail address ( has been established to facilitate discussions on issues concerning this project. E-mails sent to this address are automatically distributed to members in the list.

The Alumni has both long term and short term objectives. The question at hand, as part of the short term objective, is

           “Can each of us, who attended high school at Shambu, donate (buy)
            one reference book for each of the subjects taught at the High School?”

If your response is YES, please support this project by doing the following:

  1. Pledge your contribution by sending an e-mail message to:

  2. Transfer your contribution to bank account nr. (in Norway): 4200.30.21275

           For international money transfer: IBAN number NO1942003021275

  1. Find a potential member to this project, i.e. invite friends, previous students of Shambu High School or anyone willing to support this project.

Updated: 13.06.2013
